My Projects

React Chat App
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A real-time chat app powered by Python, FastAPI, React JS, and Chat Engine. Users can authenticate, create group chats, send messages, and share attachments. The backend handles authentication and chat functionality, while Chat Engine provides websockets for seamless communication.

Substance Sentry
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Substance Sentry is a mobile application made with react-native aimed at providing resources and assistance to individuals struggling with drug and substance abuse. The app offers various features to educate, prevent, and support individuals affected by substance abuse, making it easier for them to seek help and take control of their lives.

Classic Rock Paper Scissors
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Welcome to the Rock Paper Scissors game! This game allows player to compete against the computer in the classic game of Rock Paper Scissors. It has also autoplay feature where the computer will be playing against itself.

Smart Todo List
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This ToDo List is a single page web app that lets users manage a their list of tasks, built with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Users can add and remove tasks from the list. The web app utilizes local storage to persistently store the todos, ensuring that users can access their tasks even after refreshing the page.

Solar System Visualization
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Explore the beauty of our solar system with this simple visualization built using HTML and CSS. This visualization showcases the relationship between the Sun, Earth, and Moon, providing a glimpse into the dynamic interactions within our celestial neighborhood.

You can also find this web portfolio on my github, built with